International Languages Teacher Training Institute (IPBA) is one of twenty-seven teacher training institutes and colleges under the administration of the Teacher Education Division, Ministry of Education, Malaysia. IPBA provides training and accreditation for both pre-service and The in-service teachers pursuing certificate and diploma level qualifications in the teaching and learning of English. International Languages Teacher Training Institute (IPBA) is one of twenty-seven teacher training institutes and colleges under the administration of the Teacher Education Division, Ministry of Education, Malaysia. IPBA provides training and accreditation for both pre-service and The in-service teachers pursuing certificate and diploma level qualifications in the teaching and learning of English. Recognizing the growing demand for these international languages at the local and regional levels, IPBA also offers language courses for both government and private sector clientele, including non-teaching personnel. IPBA has a team of experienced trainrs to run the various courses on offer. IPBA's status as a centre of excellence for the teaching and learning of international languages, especially English, has been further enhanced by its recent appointment as one of the training agencies for the Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme (MTCP) by the Economic Planning Unit of the Prime Minister's Department. The MTCP provides technical assistance to developing countries by way of various forms of technical cooperation in areas for which Malaysia has experience and expertise.
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